
How Today's Technology Can Make Property Managers More Productive

Adapt, or be left behind. This has been a common theme across nearly all industries specifically within the last decade. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending how you look at it, property management has not been a hot topic of this technological advancement... until now. New software and hardware is allowing property managers to elevate their productivity and in turn, their service. With technological options continuing to advance, many improvements are already available to property managers now.


Digital Document Management: The days of paper-based management are limited. The Paperless Project's article, The Impact and Inefficiency of Paper in the Office estimates that searching for documents takes roughly 20% of an employees time and that approximately 7.5% of documents end up lost completely. Through digital documentation management, documents are accessible through a simple keyword search. Leases, applications, waivers, etc. are all found within seconds. These documents are accessible from any device linked to the system thereby allowing for fluid transfer of information.


CRM Software: In today's world there's no excuse for having poor communication. Investing in a CRM software will allow you to customize your communication platform depending on your tenant/prospect/owners, preference. This will create that personal connection between yourself and the contact. You will have access to past emails, texts, and phone calls for referencing. All prospect communication will be visible in your prospect pipeline. From this platform you will be able to send reminders and notifications to tenants and prospects with ease. All of this will be consolidated into one user friendly platform thereby allowing you to build the contacts profile on the go.


Property Management Software: Having a portal that allows you to easily view tenant and prospect profiles, accounting information, rent payments, maintenance requests, vendors, vacancies, and more is attainable through a secure, modernized, central property management software. It is possible to have some of these technologies integrate with each other as well to even further enhance your productivity. For example, look into having your CRM software auto populate your property management software with information you have gathered to immediately begin building or update your tenants or prospects profile. The automation that these management software's provide is a must if you wish to scale your productivity and business.


Mobility: Not only are you able to access everything quicker with these new software's, but they can be accessed anywhere.  Almost all document management, CRM, and property management software's offer apps for you to download directly onto your cellphone, giving you access to all information at all times. No longer is your work restricted to the monitor on your desk.


There are many versions of each of these software's and hardware's available on the market today, ready for you to incorporate into your property management practise. Consider all of your options on the market when making the investment in to one of these technologies and select the one that best suites you. Ensure their vision aligns with yours and that they are easy to work with should any unforeseen issues arise. Working with a company that is willing to upgrade and integrate with other software's is definitely your best bet for long term sustainable growth. This is only the beginning of technological advancements in the property management industry. Creating those strong connections and bases now will all aid you in the pursuit to becoming world class.


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